Monogram Etiquette: Best Practices
Much of a monogram project is flexible - the fonts, the colors, design elements, etc. One aspect that should be adhered to when possible is the letter ordering of a monogram. Of course it’s fairly straightforward if you go with a name or single initial, but if you’ve ever been confused which letters go where, you’re not alone and we’re here to help!
One-Letter Monogram
First initial of a first name:
Most common scenarios are for toiletry bags, kids clothing, and baby gifts.
Example: Katie Jones = “K”
First initial of a last name:
Most common scenario is home goods such as wreath sashes, hand towels, bath towels, etc.
Example: The Jones Family = “J”
Two-Letter Monogram
First and Last initial of one person:
A nice variation to the three-letter monogram style, and a great direction for those who don’t have middle names.
Example: Katie Jones = “KJ”
First initials of a couple:
Often using an interlocking monogram style, the two-letter style is great on gifts for newly engaged or married couples.
Example: Katie and Sam Jones = “KS”
Three-Letter Monogram
First, middle, and last name of one person:
The most traditional monogram style. Depending on the font, there are various ways to display the initials.
Traditional, first LAST middle = “kJm”
Example: Katie Marie Jones
Left stack, first, middle; Right, Last
A Married Couple:
In a couple’s monogram, the woman's name is on the left, the man on the right, and their last name in the middle
Example: Katie and Sam Jones = “kJs”
Additional scenarios:
Monogram of a person with two-middle names:
Many of the traditional font styles can be tough to adapt using two middle names. Often one of the middle names is chosen to be represented in the monogram to fit a more natural three-letter look, but if not, the all caps style works well.
Example: Samantha Mary Ellen Davidson
All caps: “SMED”